Medford Painting

Painting for seniors helps them exercise and improve their fine motor skills. Engaging in this activity increases blood flow within the body, causing an enhancement in dexterity in the hands, fingers, and wrists of older people.

MUSIC @ Medford

Together, music and the act of dancing can stimulate the brain and body, encouraging overall health in many different ways. Music is proven to help with memory

Medford Puppy Visit

Studies show that dogs help seniors obtain lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, dogs can also help reduce the risk of heart attack.

Why did Elvis throw scarves?

According to the Elvis History, Presley’s practice of giving away scarves started in September 1970 in Phoenix, Arizona. At that show, Presley gave his green scarf to a young fan in the front row, and her joyous reaction eventually led to Presley continuing the practice

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